
postheadericon Danica...for Jason


postheadericon Native 10GbE FCoE - now: simple, non-disruptive, for the masses and inexpensive....

Link here.



postheadericon Thanks Moberg - Oracle Licensing

Ok, I went out and did some Oracle licensing research just to confirm that I have been saying the right things when it comes to Oracle and virtualization. I am glad I did because technically I haven’t been wrong to date, but, there are other considerations that I was not taking into account and they are important. I have taken my research and condensed it into this email. If you already know this stuff ignore this email, however, I know there are several of you that explain the licensing model the same way I have been doing in the past.

Two things to determine first: hard or soft partitioning and what version- standard or enterprise.

Ok, with standard, it will always be a simple proc count. Here are a couple examples:

Hard Provisioning Examples Standard Edition:
-          32 processor mainframe with no CPU restrictions. (You would need 32 licenses)
-          16 processor mainframe provisioned so that only 4 are available to Oracle. (You would need 4 licenses)

Soft Provisioning Examples Standard Edition:
-          A single 2 processor VMWare host server. (You would need 2 licenses)
-          Three 2 processor VMWare host servers. (You would need 6 licenses. Even though an Oracle VM would be running on a single 2 proc host at any one time, Oracle still makes you license the procs in the whole cluster)

Enterprise Edition throws an additional calculation into the licensing model. The hard/soft provisioning rules still apply, but, now there must be a CORE count, not just a processor count. The following number is achieved by using a formula (Intel/AMD chips only):

#procs x #cores x .50 = license count

Hard Provisioning Examples Enterprise Edition:

-          12 four core procs without CPU restrictions. (12 x 4 x .50 = 24 licenses)
-          16 four core procs with only 6 procs available to Oracle. (6 x 4 x .50 = 12 licenses)

Soft Provisioning Examples Enterprise Edition:

-          A single two processor, quad core VMWare host server. (2 x 4 x .50 = 4 licenses)
-          4 two processor, quad core VMWare host servers. (8 x 4 x .50 = 16 licenses)

postheadericon Five Trends Shaping Data Center Designs

“The days of buying big and growing into your data center are over. Trends such as modular equipment, virtualization and customized cooling mean IT can reduce costs by starting small.”


Link here.


postheadericon Video: Keep an Eye on VMware

Link here.


postheadericon EMC Shuts Down Online Cloud Storage Service

“EMC started Atmos Online a little more than a year ago, but the service never took off, according to industry analysts.


An EMC spokesman said as the number of service providers adopting EMC Atmos technology continues to expand, the company decided not to announce the general availability of the Atmos Online storage service for production use.


"The strength of the Atmos ecosystem is predominantly based on the service providers who deliver Atmos-based services and [Internet service providers] who integrate with the technology," he said. "EMC will focus on evolving this ecosystem and allow Atmos Online to take a supporting role."


EMC said Atmos Online will remain available strictly as a development environment to foster adoption of Atmos technology and Atmos cloud services "offered by our continuously expanding range of Service Provider partners who offer production services."”


Link here.


postheadericon Akamai, DuPont Fabros Are Top Performers

"The second quarter of 2010 saw a retreat for the broader stock market data center, a trend that was reflected in the performance in the data center sector. The shares of most companies in the sector outperformed industry averages, with just two of the 10 stocks trailing the Dow. But data center stocks fell short of the strong performance seen in the first quarter of 2010."

Link here.

postheadericon In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers

The biannual Top 500 supercomputer list has been released.


Link here.


postheadericon Infographic: Job Growth by Decade

postheadericon 9 Questions to Consider Before Insourcing Outsourced IT

“Insourcing—the process of bringing back in-house IT work that had been outsourced—is in style. Bob Mathers, principal consultant with Compass Management Consulting, points to recent high-profile IT and business process outsourcing initiatives that were brought back inside Chrysler, Delta Air Lines (DAL), Barclays and AT&T as evidence of the insourcing trend.”


Link here.

postheadericon How to Set Cloud Expectations For Your CFO

“Enterprises today are challenged with gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage, while at the same time reducing overall costs, especially IT costs.  Technologies such as virtualization and tools allow for automation of processes, capacity planning and resource management, amongst other things, that allow for more efficiencies than we have seen in the past. These tools in turn, make IT resource capacity much more available, flexible and powerful.”


Link here.


postheadericon VMware View 4.5 to ship late, minus profile management

“VMware customers will be disappointed to learn that not only will the next generation of the company's virtual desktop software be late, but VMware also dropped the profile management feature from RTO Software.”


Link here.




postheadericon Dell Lawsuit Highlights Broken PCs, Dirty Business Dealings

“Lawsuits are looming over Dell that finally, publicly confirm something that many users have known for a long time--its machines are technically flawed. Did Dell's business rest on screwing over the user, in return for quick and dirty profits?”


Link here.



postheadericon Vizioncore introduces a connector for System Center and VMware

What will Microsoft tout now?


Thousands of organizations leverage Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager as their primary system for infrastructure monitoring. Vizioncore is shortly going to launch a new solution that will offer users a new way to extend Systems Center Operations Manager to monitor VMware virtual infrastructures.”





postheadericon Windows Live Essentials: Writer

How’s this test of the Windows Live Essentials Writer look?  Windows Live Essentials, of course, is the tool toutes 'better than Mac for photos, hands down' by Brian Hall, General Manager of WIndows Live for Microsoft.

We shall see.

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